Targeted species and Category:
Calves from 30 days of life
Indications and mode of use:
Specially formulated to mix with corn and supply for early weaning, creep-feeding or artificial rearing up to 120 kgs live weight. Contains qualitative and quantitative correction of protein, macro and micro minerals, and vitamins for cereals. It should be fed to calves in artificial rearing or early weaning calves mixed with whole or broken corn at 30% in feeders at discretion. After artificial rearing or after early weaning (90 days of life), use at 25% with cracked or ground corn at discretion, including excellent quality hay if desired.
Pelleted. Bags per 25 kgs.
Storage conditions:
Sheltered from sunlight, dry and on pallet.
Restrictions and Contraindications:
Do not allow equine or other solipeds access to those feeds containing monensin, as it can be fatal.
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dairy cattle
More than 30 years ago, in the city of Río Cuarto, province of Córdoba, Agro Imperio SRL was founded.
The nascent market of balanced feed and the focus on the animal nutrition sector were the pillars and reasons that led the founding partners to follow the paths of feed production for more than three decades.
Today, the company is managed by a new generation of professional technicians, dedicated to produce products with the highest quality standards, in order to respond to an increasingly dynamic and demanding market.
358 – 4632974 / 4632335
+54 358 5093125 / 5096525
Route A 005 – Km. 11 – Río Cuarto (Cba.)